Friday, January 12, 2024

New Science 3




New Science 2


SEE Science Model Question

Subject: Science & Technology                                                Full Marks: 75

Class: 10                            Time: 3hrs.                                      Pass Marks: 30

Candidates are requires to write their answers according to the instruction given.

Attempt all questions.

Group A                             (10×1=10)

1. Write the correct alternatives

a. Which of the following is example of Phylum Platyhelmenthis?

i. Tapeworm                 ii Sandworm

iii. Earthworm                             iv. Hookworm

b. In a science laboratory, two organisms are noticed. Both organisms are long and cylindrical. Organism "A" has cylindrical segmented body and organism "B" has no segmented body. Then, which of the following is correct?

i. Organism A is hermaphrodite where as organism B is unisexual.

ii. Organism A is unisexual whereas organism B is hermaphrodite.

iii. Organism A is diploblastic whereas organism B is triploblastic.

iv. Organism A is triploblastic whereas organism A is diploblastic.

c. Which of the following is the phenotype ratio of monohybrid cross in Mendel's experiment?

i. 1:2               ii. 3:1                   iii. 1:2:1               iv. 9:1

d. Which of the following is supported by honey farming?

i. Mustard farming       ii. Candle industry          iii. Flower farming      iv. Pea farming

e. Which of the given equipment is based on Archimedes' principle?

i. Submarine   ii. Hydraulic brake             iii. Water pump   iv. Thermometer

f. A person inside lift weighing his/her weight on digital balance but suddenly lift fall at acceleration of 9.8m/s2 then what would be change in the weight balance? (Given: mass of a person is 50 kg)

i. weight will be shown 50 kg    ii. Weight will be shown 490 N

iii. weight will be 0 N                           iv. Weight of the person increases due to acceleration

g. The critical angle of diamond is 240 then what will be the value of its refractive index?  

i. 2.45             ii. 1.5                   iii. 1.24                iv. 2.24

h. How many independent variables should be there in one experiment?

i. 1                  ii. 2                      iii. 3                     iv. 4

i. If we have to put iron rims in wooden wheels of a cart, what should we heat?

i. Heat the metal rim first and then heat the wheel.

ii. Heat the wheel and the rim at the same time.    

iii. Heat the rim and put it in the cold wheel.        

iv. Heat the wheel first and then heat the iron rim.

j. In the given chemical reaction which one is the X?

HCl + X                           NaCl + H20

i.       NaOH                ii. Na                      iii. NaH                iv. Na + H2O

Group B              (9x1=9)

2. Give very short answer to the following questions.

a. Define hermaphrodite.

b. What is meant by water canal system in porifera?

c. What type of cell division is shown in the diagram?

d. What is variable?

e. On what condition does a body become weightless inside of the earth’s gravitational field?

f. What is the relation between specific heat capacity and rate of increase or decrease in its temperature?

g. What do you mean by reef gold and alluvial gold?

h. Compare the ionization of Mg and Al.

i. Write the full form of IUPAC.

Group C              (14x2=28)

Give short answer to the following questions.

3. Write any two differences between bird and bat.

4. If 'A' and 'B' are fertilized and unfertilized eggs respectively. Which type of honey bee is developed from 'B'? Also, write one function of such bee.

5. Describe the process of In Vitro fertilization (IVF) in brief.

6. Classification of living being is important in the study of biology, why?

7. Write down one use of each of following plants:

a) Titepati                       b) Yarsagumba

8. Draw a chart showing cross between red and white flowered pea plants till Fzs generation. Write down phenotype and genotype of F2 generation.

9. Prove the equation that acceleration due to gravity is inversely proportional to the square of radius.

10. A hydraulic machine is considered as a force multiplier. Give reason.

11. Sunita needs 15 kg of water at 38°C to take bath. But, she has water at 20°C. Calculate the minimum amount of heat energy required to heat the water to the required temperature.

12. When the letters written on the paper are observed from the top of a glass slab, the letters appear to be slightly raised, why?

13. Define homologous series.

14. How does the concentration of solution affects the rate of chemical reaction? Write down with example.

15. Unsaturated hydrocarbon is more reactive than saturated hydrocarbon, why?

16. How are metals refined by electro-refining method? Illustrate with one example.


Group D              (7x4=28)

Give long answer to the following questions.

17. A and B are husband and wife, they have only four their daughters, A blames to B for the birth of only daughters. Who is more responsible and why? Make a chart with your logic.

18. Despite the availability of medicinal herbs in our surrounding, we are dependent upon imported medicines. What could be the cause of this situation? What can we do to increase the use of medicinal herbs?

19. When the white ray of light enters to the prism, only the visible uppermost and lowermost rays of light are shown in the diagram

a. Name the rays A and B.


b. Which ray has more speed in the glass medium?

c) Which phenomenon is shown in the given diagram?

d) Ray B bends more than the ray A. What is the reason behind it?

20. Explain the clinical thermometer with diagram.

21. The different weight of a piece of a stone on weighing in three different media; air, water and salt solution are given in the table below. Answer the following questions.









a) Of the three media A, B and C which is water and which is salt solution?

b) If the weight of 1 kg mass in air is 10N. Determine the mass of the stone

c) Determine the weight of water displaced by the stone.

22. Given diagram is the apparatus used in the preparation of ammonia gas in laboratory. Answer the following questions observing the diagram.

i. Why is the hard glass test tube inclined downward? [1]

ii. Why is ammonia gas not collected over water? [1]

iii. How can you confirm that gas jar is filled with ammonia gas? [1]

iv. What happens when ammonia is treated with Na metal? [1]

23. State modern periodic table. Write down the electronic configuration of the element which lies in second period and sixth group of the modern periodic table based on sub-shells. Write down two factors that determine the reactivity of elements. [1+2+1]





SEE Science and technology


SEE practice exam 2080

Class: - Ten                               F.M. – 75           

Subject: - Comp. Science             Time: - 3:00Hrs             

Section A ( Multiple Choice Questions)

1.         Circle the correct alternatives. (10×1=10)

a)   Which of the following is derived unit?

i. Kelvin                    ii. Mole

iii. Hertz                   iv. Candela

b)   Which of the following of plants need both land and water to complete their life cycle?

i. Tracheophyta          ii. Bryophyta

iii. Pteridophyta         iv. Thallophyta


c)   Experiment of different shape of pod of pea plant showed the given result. Choose the incorrect correct statement:

i. B is F­­1 and C is F2 generation

ii. All the peas at B are hybrids

iii. B represents First law and C represents second law of Mendel.

iv. B represents purity of gamets because all are same and pure.                                        

d)      Which part of Bojo is used as a medicine.?

i. root                    ii. rhizome

iii. root                  iv. leaf

e)   Hydrometer is based upon :

        i. Newton's Law       ii. Archimedes principle

iii. Law of floatation   iv. Charles law

f)     An object is placed at the centre of curvature of a convex lens. It's image

i. will be formed at focus

ii. will be magnified twice.

iii. appear of same size.

iv. will be virtual.

g)   Under what condition can open universe be hypothesized?

i. When average density is greater than critical density

ii. When average density is less than critical density

iii. When average density and critical density are equal

iv. When average density and critical density are not comparable

h)   Which of the following is not a alkaline metal?

i. B                   ii. Be

iii. Mg               iv. Ca

i)     What type of reaction is the reaction between sodium chloride and silver nitrate?

i. combination reaction

ii. Single displacement reaction

iii. Double displacement reaction

iv. decomposition reaction.

j)     Which of the following statement is correct?

i. Forth floatation is done for lighter impurities.

ii. Gravity separation is done if ore and impurities have same density.

iii. Distillation is done for heavy metals.

iv. Roasting is done in ores having no oxygen.

 Section B

2.           Very short answer type questions. (9×1=9)

a)   Write one advantage of digital transmission?

b)   What is the common key feature of plant fern, pine and orange?

c)   What is nuptial flight?

d)   State the structure of DNA in one sentence.

e)   Name any one protected species of reptiles in Nepal.

f)     What can you conclude after performing coin and feather experiment?

g)   You are cooling a hot water. Which portion of the given graph shows anomalous expansion?



h)   What happens to the reactivity of elements while moving from left to right in a period of modern periodic table?

i)      Write the chief ore of aluminium and copper.



Section C

Short Answer type Questions (14 X 2 =28)

3.      Yogesh wants to study about the effect of body exercise and amount of nutrients in the loss of body weight at he same time. What are the drawbacks of research topic? How can this study be corrected?

4.      Identify the following organism and write one more character of each:

         a. having pneumatic bones, glorified form of reptiles

         b. Having external ears

5.       The figure below shows the diagram for a local technology used in rural  area for farming insects. Mention the significance of this in the rural economy.

6.      "There is no any role of mother for the determination whether a child is a male or female". Justify the statement with necessary diagram.

7.      While performing a test to identify the blood group of a person following result is obtained. Identify his/her blood group. Redraw the diagram if the person lacks all the antigens A, B and D.

8.      Establishment of National Park is mainly for the conservation of Wildlife. Wildlife frequently destroys agricultural fields and even takes lives of people and domesticated animals. Discuss any two cause of conservation of wildlife despite of these disasters.

9.      In a hydraulic lift , the cross section areas of large and small pistons are 5 m2 and 0.25 m2 respectively. Calculate the force required to lift up a car of mass 1200 kg.

10.  There is no significant difference in temperature of day and night in costal area. Justify the statement.

11.  A person of 45 years has blurred vision due the deposition of a layer of protein on the eye lens. Explain in short how this is treated by eye surgery.                                                 

12.  Explain Right hand thumb rule with figure.

13.  Explain Hubble's law in short with diagram.

14.  Write the electronic configuration of sulphur in sub-shells and determine its period and group.

15.  A students burns a magnesium ribbon in the class. The ribbon burns producing white ash. Write the balanced chemical reaction and name the white ash.                                 

16.  Lime water can be used to test carbondioxide gas. Explain in short with chemical reaction.


                         Secion D (Long Question Answer)(7×4=28)

17.  Digital well-being is the extent to which we can do these things in our digital lives. So digital well-being may be defined as having the ability to handle online stress, engage in healthy digital behaviors, and use our technologies in ways that help us thrive. This can be monitored by using Digital Wellbeing Feature on Mobile application.

i. Why should the parents get knowledge about the information explained in the paragraph ? (2)

ii. What is the importance of digital well beings for students (2).

18.  ….It is the technique in which semen with living sperms is collected from the male and introduced into female reproductive tract at proper time with the help of instruments. This has been found to result in a normal offspring. In this process, the semen is inseminated into the female by placing a portion of it either in a collected or diluted form into the cervix or uterus by mechanical methods at the proper time and under most hygienic conditions.

      a. What is the name of the technique? (1)

          b. Now a days this technique is preferred than the natural process for the reproduction of           cattle. Why?   (2)

      c. It may also save some disadvantage. Mention if any. (1)

19.  The figure shows a treatment to a serious cardiac disorder the following questions:

a. What had happen to the patient?                   1

b. What is being done?  Explain.                             2

c. Write any two causes for this disorder.      1

20.  a. Study the table and fill in the box                                (2)

Pair of places

value of 'g' is more at:

Value of 'g' is less at:


Equilateral/ polar region

polar region

equilateral region

Radius of earth is more at equator and less at poles

Base and top of Mountain




b. A cricket ball thrown vertically upward into the sky reaches a height of 30 m. Calculate the velocity with which it is thrown and time taken to reach the maximum height.      (2)

21.  a. A person sees a fish in the river water. What knowledge should he know to kill the fish using a sphere? [2]


b. A microscope can focus object kept at a fixed place only, but human eye can see both distant       and nearby object. How is it possible? Explain. [2]

22.  Study the given figure and answer the following questions: 

a. Which type of transformer is it? Why?                      (1)

b. If 400 turns produces secondary voltage, calculate the number of turn in primary coil.    [2]

c. Why is iron core not a single core but a collection of thin  laminated sheets?   [1]

23.   Figure below shows the preparation of Ammonia gas in laboratory. Answer the following questions:

i. Name X and Y.       [1]

ii. Why is a substance 'A' used in the experiment? [1]

iii. How can you test whether the gas is ammonia or not?  [1]

iv. Write two uses of this gas  [1]



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