Transport Phenomenona 1.1 Mean Free PathFree path between two successive collisions will be a straight path with unchanging velocity since the molecules exert no force on one another except when they collide. As a result, a single molecule's journey is made up of a succession of small zig-zag trajectories of varying lengths. These pathways of varying lengths are known as molecular free paths, and their mean is known as the mean free path.
Let l1,l2,l3................ln are successive free path travelled in total time t, then we havel1+l2+l3+...........................ln=⏨V twhere ⏨V is the average speed of the molecule.If nis the total number of collision suffered byt eh molecule in one second, Ī» be the mean free path thenĪ»=l1+l2+l3+.......................ln
n=⏨V t
nor, Ī»=⏨Vt
nExpression for Mean Free pathLet us consider a gas containing n number of molecules per unit volume. Let only one molecule under consideration is in motion ad all other at rest.
If š is the diameter of each molecule then the moving molecule will collide with all these molecules whose centres lie on the circumference of the cylinder as shown in figure.If V is the veloeity of the moving molecule. then in one sec it will collide with all the molecules whese centre lie in a cylinder of radius š and lengh v with in the volume šš2v.Thus the number of molecules per unit volume. Now the mean free path is given by Ī» =Distance travelled by molecule in one second
Number of collision suffered by molecules in one second=v
šš2nThe expression has been derived assuming that only one molecule under consideration in moving while all the others are at rest. Maxwell assumed the realistic assumption than all the molecules are moving with all possible velocities in all possible directions and found the result applying distribution law of molecular speeds. i.c. š=1
2šš2nIf m is the mass of a molecule then mn=š. Where š is the density of the gas∴š=m
2šš2šThus the mean free path is inversely proportional to the density of gas. By the kinetic molecular theory of gases.P=1
3š⏨v2where ⏨v2 is the mean square speed of the molecules.we have ⏨v2=3KT
m,m is the mass of a molecule.where K is Boltzmann's constanta
or. m
∴ equation (4) reduces toa
So the mean free path is directly proportional to the absolute temperature and inversely proportional to the pressure of the gas.TRANSPORT PHENOMENONIf the gas is not in equilibrium state, we may have any of the following three cases:(1) The different parts of gas may have different velocities so there will be a relative motion of the layer of gas with respect to one another. This gives rise to the phenomenon of viscosity.(2) The different parts of gas may have different temperatures so the molecules of the gas will carry kinetic enengy from region of higher temperature to the region of lower temperature to hring the equilibrium state. This gives to the phenomenon of conduction.(3) The different parts of the gas may lave different molecular concentration i.e. the number of molecules per unit volume so the molecules of gas will carry the mass from regions of higher concentrations to those of lower concentrations to bring the equilibrium state. It gives the phenomenon of diffusion. These all three phenomena are called transport phenomenon.ViscosityLet us consider a mass of gas moving in parallel layers between two horizontal planes AB and CD. Suppose the velocity of the layer of gas in contact with the plane AB is zero and increases as we pass towards the plane CD. Also consider an intermediate plane MN.Let n be the number of molecules per unit volume and ⏨v their average speed. Since molecules are moving due to thermal agitation in all possible directions, it may be supposed that one third of the molecules are moving in each of three directions parallel to three co-ordinate axis, so that an average one sixth of the molecule move parallel to any one axis in particular direction.
The number of molecules crossing the plane MN upwards of downwards per unit area per second =n⏨v
6.Let G be the momentum of each molecule in the plane MN and if the momentum changes according to distance then the momentum gradient =dG
dz where dG is the change in momentum in distance z.∴ Change in momentum for a distance=šdG
dzLet each of the planes AB and CD at a distance š from MN. Where š is mean free path. So the momentum of each molecule at the planeCD=G+šdG
dzAnd the momentum of each molecule at the lower planeAB=G-šdG
dz∴ The momentum carried by molecules crossing per unit area per second from upper layer CD in downward direction per unit area per second from upper layer CD in downward direction.=1
dz)Similarly, the momentum carried by the molecules crossing per unit area per second from lower layer AB in upward direction.=1
dz)∴ The net momentum transferred downward per unit area per second through the intermediate plane MN.=1
dz(mu)Since G=mu, u being the velocity of molecules at plane MN.=1
dzSince the rate of change of momentum is known as force. So the above expression is a measure of force exerted on the plane MN by the upper layers. We are considering unit area. So force cames and tangential stress.∴ Coefficient of viscosity š= Tangential stress
Velocity gradient =1
3mn⏨všBut š=1
2šš2n∴ š=m⏨v
32šš2Since ⏨vš¼T∴ The coefficient of viscosity is directly proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature of the gas,But also, š=KT
2šš2P∴ š=1
3š⏨vš[ Where, nm=š]or, š=3š
š⏨vThermal ConductionLet's consider a system of gas which have different temperatures at different regions. Due to this equality in temperature heat energy is transformed from region at higher temperature to the region at lower temperature. This exchange of heat energy gives the phenomenon of thermal conductivity.
Suppose AB and CD be two parallel layers in which a system of gas is enclosed which is shown in figure. Let n be the number molecule and ⏨v beverage velocity of gas molecules. Then number of molecules moving in particular direction of any one axis per unit area per second is 1
6n⏨v.Let E be the energy of each particle in MN layer and š be the separation between AB,MN the ener direction free path Now,Energy of each molecule at CD=E+šdE
dšEnergy of each molecule at AB=E-šdE
dšThen amount of energy transferred per unit area of MN in downward direction per second from CD=1
dš).Amount of energy transferred per unit area of MN is upward direction per second from AB=1
dš).So the net energy crossing unit area of MN per second in downward directiona
where E is thermal energy =mCvT[a
where m= mass of molecule
Cr= Specific heat capacity at
constant volume
T= Absolute temperature
]∴ Net transfer energy per umit area per second =1
dš[ where dE
dš]We know,Coefficient of thermal conductivity (K) is given byK= Net energy transferred per unit area per second
Temperature gradient or, K=1
3mn⏨všCvBut we know, coefficient of viscosity (š)=1
3mn⏨všThis equation (i) becomes K=nCvAgain we know, mean free path (š)=1
2šš2n and ⏨v=8KT
šm So putting these values in equation (i), we geta
This is the required expression of thermal conductivity of gas.DiffusionConsider a mass of the gas is moving in parallel layers between the plane AB and CD. MN is an intermediate plane. Let us suppose that the concentration i.e. number of molecules per unit volume increases in vettical direction as we go from plane AB to CD, So that the molecules will move from CD to AB to establish equillibrium. This phenomenon is called transport of mass.
Let n be the concentration at the plane MN and dn
dz is the rate of change of concentration with distance in an upward direction. Let AB and CD be at a distance š from the plane MN where š is the mean free path. The concentration at the plane CD=n+šdn
dzThe concentration at the plane AB=n-šdn
dzThe number of molecules coming from the plane CD crowsing MN downwards per unit area per second =1
dz)And the number of molecules coming from AB and crossinig unit area of molecules upwards per second is =1
dz)The net number of molecules crossing unit area of plane MN downwards per second =1
dzšThe coefficient of diffusion is the ratio of the number of molecules across unit area in one sec to the concentration gradient.i.e. coefficient of diffusion D=1/3⏨vš(dn/dz)
or. D=1
or. D=šš
where |š=1
3šv>= coefticient of viscositySince šš¼1
P and ⏨vš¼TFrom equation (5).a
Also K/n=C, f.e. n=KC, and n=DP
aNumericals1. Calculate the mean diameter of a molecule of benzene if there are 2.79×1019 molecules /cc and the mean free path of benrene =2.2×10-4cm.[T.U. 2055, 2064]Solution:Here.Number of molecules per unit volume (n)=2.79×1019 molecules/ ccMean free path of benzene (š)=2.2×10-6cmMean diameter of a molecule of benzene (š)= ?We have, mean free path (š)=1
2šš2nar, š=1
2šš2nor, š2=1
2šnšor, š2=1
2×(2.2×10-6)×(2.79×1019)ךor, š2=3.69×10-15or, š=6.07×10-8cmThus mean diameter of a molecule is 6.07×10-8cm.2. The density of nitrogen at NTP is 1.25kgm-3 and its coeflicient of viscosity is 1.66×10-5Nsm-2. Calculate the mean free path of a molecule of nitrogen gas.Solution: [T.U.2058]Here, density of nitrogen at NTP (š)=1.25kgm-3Coefficient of viscosity (š)=1.66×10-5Nsm-2.Mean free path of molecule of nitrogen gas (š)= ?We have,a
Velocity (v) of molecule =8KT
And mean free path (š)=3š
švor, š=3š
8KT∴ š=3š
8KTWe have,Mass of oxygen molecule (m)= Molecular mass
Avogadro's Number =M
NAor, m=28
6.023×1023×10-3 kg =4.65×10-26kgThen putting all values in equation (i) we geta
Thus the mean free path of molecule of nitrogen gas is 8.76×10-7m3. The mean free path of oxygen molecule of STP is 9.37×10-6cm. Calculate the molecular diameter of oxygen.Given, Avogadro's number =6.02×1023mole-1Volume of 1 mole of oxygen gas at STP =22.4 liters.[T.U. 2059]Sulution:Here, mean free path of oxygen molecules (š)=9.37×10-6cmAvogadro's number (NA)=6.02×1023mole-1Molecular diameter (š) of oxygen = ?We know that,Volume of 1 mole of oxygen gas at STP =22.4 liters=22.4×103ccThus the number of moleules per ec of oxygen gas at STP is given by n=6.02×1023
22.4×107=2.69×1019 molecules /ccBy formula, we have š=1
or, š2=1
or, š=1
Thus the molecular diameter of oxygen molecule is 2.99×10-5cm.4. The molecular diameter of nitrogen is 3.5×10-4cm. Calculate the mean free path of temperature 27∘C and pressure 1 atmosphere.[T.U. 2062]Solution:Here, molecular diameter of nitrogen (š)=3.5×10-8~cmTemperature (T)=27∘C=27+273=300~KPressure (P)=1~atm=1.01×103~N/m2=1.01×106 dyne /cm2Boltzmann constant (K) in CGS unit =1.38×10-16erg/ degree Mean free path (š)= ?a
We have, mean free path (š)=KT
Thus the mean free path of nitrogen molecule is 7.53×10∘cm5. Calculate the mean free path of gas molecules in a chamber of 10-6~mm of mercury pressure, assuming molecular diameter to be 2A. Take temperature of chamber to be 273 K and one gram molecules of the gas oceupies 22.4 litres at NTP.Solution: [T.U. 2063, 2065, 2067]Here preasure of chamber (P)=10∘mm of Hg=1.33×10-Nm2Molecular diameter (š)=2A-2×10-18mMean free paih (š¬)= ?We know, Volume at STP (| or |0∘C)=22.4×10-3~m3 and pressure is 1.01×105N/m2.Therefore, number of molecules in 22.4×103m3 at 1.01×103N/m2 and 273K is 6.023×1023.Hence, number of molecules in 1~m3 at 1~N/m2 and 273Ka
=0.269×1017=2.69×1016 molecules
Now, the mean free path (š)=1
Therefore mean free path is 2.09×102 metres.6. Calculate the mean free path of oxygen molecule at STP. Given density =1.40kg/m3 and coefficient of viscosity =1.92×10-5Nsm-2.[T.U. 2068]Solution:Here, density of oxygen gas (š)=1.40kg/m3Coefficient of viscosity (š)=1.93×10-5Nsm-2Mean free path (d)= ?We know,a
Mass of the oxygen molecule (m)
= Molecular mass
Avogadro's number
We have, š=1
3š⏨v [Where ⏨v is velocity of molecule] or, š=3n
šVWe also have,⏨v= SKT
mšPutting this value of ⏨v in equation (i), we geta
Therefore mean free path of oxygen molecule is 9.66×10-5m.
Brownian Motion
Brownian motion is the seemingly random motion of particles, atoms, or molecules that emerges out of the random collisions of those particles. Brownian motion can be observed as light shines through a window. Particles of dust or pollen can be seen in the light floating in the air, following what seems to be random jittery patterns. The dust particles aren't moving on their own, but are colliding with molecules of the air keeping the dust in motion.
Causes of Brownian motion
Brownian motion is caused by the structure and physics of fluids; i.e., liquids and gases. According to kinetic theory, all matter is in motion; atoms and molecules especially within liquids and gases are in constant vibrating motion. These particles will travel in straight lines until redirected by a collision. Particles within gases and liquids are constantly moving, colliding, and moving toward equilibrium.
A common example of Brownian motion is dust particles floating in the air. When light is shining through a window, dust particles can be observed floating in the air and following seemingly random paths of jittery motion. This random jittery movement is called Brownian motion.