Sunday, October 17, 2021

Biology Project Work

 List of Biology Project Works:

1.       Collect the sample of cryptogams (Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes) and study their


1.       Observe and compare the morphological adaptation of hydrophytes, xerophytes and


2.       Prepare a report on local varieties and improved varieties of crops and vegetables in your


3.       Visit the forest or vegetation types in your nearby area and prepare a report on it.

4.       Prepare a report on the role of botanical garden in conservation of plants in Nepal

5.       Survey any locality regarding any topics related to theory course of Biology (visit to

zoological museum/zoo/protected areas/natural habits- forest/lake or river) and writing a

report of it

6.       Prepare a report on causes and consequences of environmental pollution in your locality.

7.       Observe different cultivation methods of Mushroom and prepare a report on it.

8.       Look for resources like library, journals, web surfing, field observations etc and study

present status and scope of Biotechnology in Nepal.

9.        Prepare a report on the topic "significances of the biology and biology education with

different sectors i.e. industrial development, medicine, bio-technology, agriculture etc".

10.   Prepare a report on "recent development of genetic field and their implications in human


11.   Prepare model of DNA and RNA

12.   Visit the human beings and observe the dominant and recessive characteristics of human

beings and prepare a report on it

13.   Measure the blood pressure (BP) of human bodies and predict the trends of age wise BP.

14.   Visit the poultry farming or fish farming in local area and prepare a report by including

the place, farming method, marketing etc.

15.   Conduct the survey on common communicable diseases prevailing in local area. Prepare

a report by including the disease, causes, preventing measures.

16.   Prepare a report on trends, causes and consequences of migration in local level.

17.   Prepare functional models of different system of human body.

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