Sunday, October 17, 2021

Chemistry Project Work

 List of Chemistry Project Works:

1.       Observe in your surroundings (kitchen, school, shop, etc.) and make a possible list of organic and inorganic compounds. How are they different? Why is it necessary to study them separately, put your argument?

2.        Study of the methods of purification of water.

3.       Testing the hardness of drinking water from different sources and the study of cause of


4.       Study of the acidity of different samples of the tea leaves.

5.       Preparation of molecular models using stick and clay.

6.       Study of adulteration of food materials.

7.       Study of application and adverse effects of pesticides on human health.

8.       Study of use and adverse effects of plastics on environment.

9.       Analysis of soil samples. (elaboration need pH, humus content)

10.   Investigation on corrosion and rusting on iron.

11.   Comparison of ground and surface water quality of a given place-colour, odour, pH,

conductivity, turbidity etc.

12.   Design and development of water filter (Charcoal filter with sand can be designed and

water quality can be monitored).

13.   Observe brick industry/chemical industry/old smooky cooking kitchen/use of

chemical fertilizers/use of insecticides/ vehicular smokes, etc. and draw the

conclusion of environmental impact of the chemical pollution.

14.   Visit nearby paper industry if possible or consult e-media and observe the raw

materials required, steps of manufacturing and quality endorsement of paper. Also,

prepare a complete report.

15.   Visit nearby cement industry if possible or consult e-media and observe the raw

materials required, steps of manufacturing and quality endorsement of cement. Also,

prepare a complete report.

16.   Collect different brands of OPC and PPC cement and observe their setting duration.

17.   Collect different types of plastics (or synthetic polymers) and study the effect of heat

on them.

18.   Extraction of essential oils from selected plants using Clevenger’s apparatus.

19.   Preparation of soap using coconut oil or any vegetable oil.

20.   Study of quantity of casein present in different samples of milk.

21.   Study of formation of rust in the iron nail in various conditions.

22.   Study of the different types of food preservatives used in different food available in

the market.

23.   Study of common food adulterants in fat, oil, butter, sugar, turmeric powder, chilli

powder and pepper.

24.   Investigation on the foaming capacity of different washing soaps and the effect of

addition of sodium carbonate on them.

25.   Study the acidic nature of alcohol and phenol.

26.   Study the distinction between aliphatic aldehyde, aromatic aldehyde and aliphatic


27.   Detect the presence of acetic acid in vinegar.

28.   Study the nitrous acid test of primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

29.   Study the different types of dyes.

30.   Study the positive and negative effect of drugs.

31.   Study the setting of cement.

32.   Study the presence of pesticides residues in fruits and vegetables.

33.   Test of protein in various foods.

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