Subject:Social Std. Time: 2:15 hrs.
are required to give their answers according to the given instruction.
Attempt all the questions:
Group 'A'
Write very short answer of the following questions. (7´1=7)
tnsfk|Zgx¿sf] clt 5f]6f] pQ/
lbg'xf];\ .
What is Human Development Index (HDI)? Write
any one purpose of measuring HDI of a nation.
;'rsfª\s eg]sf] s] xf] <s'g} /fi6«sf] dfgjljsf; ;'rsfª\s dfkgug'{sf] s'g}
Pp6f p2]Zojf sf/0f n]Vg'xf];\ .
2. What do you understand by sustainable development?
Write any one objective of it.
lbuf] ljsf;
eGgfn] tkfO{ s] a'‰g'x'G5 <o;sf] s'g} Pp6f p2]Zo n]Vg'xf];\ .
3. Write the name of the members of Panchebaja.
gfd n]Vg'xf];\ .
4. `"Child Trafficking is an inhuman deed
and a social problem." Justify this statement in your own words.
a]rlavg Pp6f cdfgljosfosf ;fy} ;fdflhs ;d:ofxf] .ÆpQmegfO{nfO{ cfˆg} zAbdf
k|dfl0ft ug'{xf];\ .
Who opposed Delhi Agreement and why?
lbNnL ;Demf}tfsf]
lj/f]w s;n] u/]sflyP / lsg<
6. Write any two importances of cooperative in
;xsf/Lsf] s'g} b'O{ dxTjx? n]Vg'xf];\ .
7. What is Cultural Globalization? Write any one
positive effect of it.
eg]sf] s] xf] <o;sf] s'g} Ps ;sf/fTdsk|efj n]Vg'xf];\ .
Write short
answer of the following questions. (10´4=40)
tnsfk|Zgx¿sf] 5f]6f]
pQ/ lbg'xf];\ .
Which province of Nepal is indicated by
the given figure or map? Write the given facts of this province.lbOPsf] tl:a/n] g]kfnsf]
s'gk|b]znfO ;+s]t ub{5 <pQmk|b]zsflbOPsftYox? n]Vg'xf];\ .
i) Major
Languages: (Any two)
d'Voefiff -s'g} b'O{_
ii) Major
Religious sites:(any two)
d'Vowfld{s :yn -s'g} b'O{_
iii) Major
Food and Cash crops: (any two)
d'VovfBfGgtyfgub] afnL -s'g} b'O{_
9. Write a letter to the editor of the national
daily to draw an attention to the Nepal Government to perform the activities
for the generation and development of skilled manpower in the country.b]zdfbIfhgzlStpTkfbg
/ ljsf;sfnflu g]kfn ;/sf/n] ug'{kg]{ lqmofsnfkx¿sfaf/]df g]kfn ;/sf/sf]
Wofgfsif{0f ub{} s'g} Pp6f /fli6«o b}lgssf ;DkfbsnfO{ lr7L n]Vg'xf];\ .
10. What lessons can we learn from the life of Dr.
Martin Luther King? Write a paragraph on the major task of Dr. Martin Luther
King.8f= dfl6{g n'y/ lsËsf] hLjgLaf6 xfdLn] s]–s:tflzIffk|fKtug{ ;S5f}F
<pgn] u/]sf pRr ;Ddflgttyfjf}l4s sfo{x?sf] cfwf/df Pp6f 5f]6f] cg'R5]b
n]Vg'xf];\ .
11. Which service-oriented organization is
indicated by the given logo? Write the activities of this organization in
Nepal.lbOPsf]Logo n] s'g
;]jfd'n's ;ª\u7gnfO{ ;ª\s]t ub{5 <o; ;+:yfn] g]kfndf u/]sf lqmofsnfkx¿sfaf/]
n]Vg'xf];\ .
12. A great percentage of votes cast in the
election in Nepal is still invalid. Prepare a dialogue on the ways or measures
to reduce the invalid votes cast in the election.g]kfnsf]lgjf{rgdfdtbfgul/Psfdtx? cem}klg 7'nf]
k|ltztdf ab/ ePsf 5g\ . pQmjb/dtnfO{ 36fpg]pkfox? k|:t'tub}{ Ps ;Djfbtof/
ug'{xf];\ .
13. Write the name of climate region to the given
pictures and write any two/two differences between them.lbOPsfxfjfkfgL
If]qsfgfd n]Vg'xf];\ / ltgLx?larsfs'g} @.@ leGgtfx? n]Vg'xf];\ .
14. Write any four factors affecting climate and
explain any one of them.xfjfkfgLk|efjkfg]{ s'g} rf/ sf/0fx? n]vLs'g} Pssf]
JofVofug'{xf];\ .
15. Show the following historical events mentioning
the appropriate full date in a timeline.
plrt k'/f ldltpNn]v ub{} lbOPsf P]ltxfl;s 36gfx?nfO{ ;do
/]vfdf b]vfpg'xf];\ .
i) Armed
Revolution begun by the Maoists.
4f/f zz:q o"4 z'?jft .
ii) Royal
Massacre took place.
/fhb/af/ xTofsf08 36gf .
iii) 12-Points
Agreement signed between Nepal Government and Maoists.
g]kfn ;/sf/ / dfcf]jfbLlar !@
a'Fb] ;Demf}tfdf x:tfIf/
iv) Loktantra
nf]stGqsf] :yfkgf
16. What is foreign employment? Write any three
importance of foreign employment in Nepal and any three challenges faced by
foreign employment.
j}b]lzs /f]huf/ eg]sf] s] xf]
< g]kfndf j}b]lzs /f]huf/sf s'g} ltgj6f dxTj / j}b]lzs /f]huf/n] ;fdgfug'{k/]sf
s'g} ltg j6f r'gf}tLx? n]Vg'xf];\ .
17. Write any four activities of the UNO in Nepal
and explain any two of them.g]kfndf ;+o'Qm /fi6«;ª\3sf s'g} rf/j6f ultljwLx?
n]vLs'g} b'O{sf] JofVofug'{xf];\ .
Write long
answer of the following questions. (4´7=28)
tnlbOPsfk|Zgx¿sf] nfdf] pQ/
lbg'xf];\ .
What is Executive? According to the present Constitution of Nepal, 2072, write
the formation of Executive.
sfo{kflnsfeg]sf] s] xf] <jt{dfg
g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@, cg';f/sfo{kflnsfsf] agfj6 -:j?k_ k|lqmofaf/]
n]Vg'xf];\ .
19. Draw an outline map of Nepal and insert the
following facts using appropriate symbols in it.
g]kfnsf] gSzfagfO{
tnlbOPsftYox?nfO{ pko'StlrGx ;lxtpStgSzfdfeg'{xf];\ .
Ganesh Himal (u0f]zlxdfn)
Cardamom Production Area (cn}FrLpTkfbg If]q)
Chitlang Valley (lrt\nfËpkTosf)
Rupa Lake (?kftfn)
Draw the map of South America and insert
the following facts in it.blIf0f cd]/Lsfsf] gSzfagfO{tnlbOPsftYox?
eg'{xf];\ .
a) River
Orinoco (cf]/Lgf]sf] glb)
b) Falkland
Island (kmNsNof08 6fk')
c) Pampas (kDkf;)
d) Tropic of
Capricorn (ds/ /]vf)
20. What do you mean by World War? Explain any four
major causes of the World War-II in short and write any four effects of it.
ljZj o'4 eGgfn] tkfO{F s]
a'‰g'x'G5 < bf]>f] ljZjo'4sf s'g} rf/ d'Vo sf/0fx?sf] 5f]6s/LdfJofVofub{}
s'g} rf/ c;/x? n]Vg'xf];\ .
21. Who are consumers? Write the meaning of
consumer rights and mention any six consumer rights provisioned in the Consumer
Protection Act-2054 BS. [0.5+0.5+6]
pkef]Stfs;nfO{ elgG5
<pkef]Stfclwsf/sf] cy{ n]vLpkef]Stf ;+/If0f P]g, @)%$ dfJoj:yf u/LPsfs'g} 5
j6f pkef]Stfclwsf/x? n]Vg'xf];\ .
C Social Std. Time:
2:15 hrs F.M.
: 75
Candidates are required to write their answers according to the
instructions given.
Attempt all questions.
Group 'A'
shortAnswer questions: (7´1=7)
clt 5f]6f] pQ/ cfpg] k|Zgx¿ M
Write the name of Chief Minister and
Capital City of Karnali Province.
s0ff{nLk|b]zsfd'VodGqL / /fhwfgLzx/sf] gfd
n]Vg'xf];\ .
2. Define
‘equalitarian society’.
…;dtfd'ns ;dfhÚsf] kl/efiff
n]Vg'xf];\ .
Name the personality in the figure given
below and a reason of being popular in the country.
JolStsf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ ;fy} pQmJolQmTj b]zdf k|l;4 x'gfsf] s'g} Ps sf/0f
n]Vg'xf];\ .
4. Write the full form of UNHCR and any one function of it.
UNHCRsf] k'/f
?k n]vLo;n] ug]{ s'g} Ps sfo{ klg n]Vg'xf];\ .
Write a difference between People’s
movement and Armed Revolution.
…hg cfGbf]ngÚ / …z;:q qmfGtLÚlars'g} Ps leGgtf
n]Vg'xf];\ .
Which national planning is running in
Nepal at present? Write the goal of this planning.
/fli6«o of]hgfsfof{Gjogdf 5 <pQm of]hgfsf] nIo n]Vg'xf];\ .
“Still there is partially ongoing
conflict in the world at present”. Mention any two measures to eliminate this
l56km"6 ?kdf 4Gb rln/x]sf] 5 . pQm 4Gb lg/fs/0f ug]{ s'g} b'O{ pkfox¿
n]Vg'xf];\ .
Group 'B'
Short AnswerQuestions: (10´4=40)
5f]6f] pQ/ cfpg] k|Zgx¿ M
Write any four challenges of Human
Resource Development and any four their solution. dfgj ;+;fwgljsf;sfs'g} rf/ j6f r'gf}lt / tLgsfs'g} rf/
;dfwfgx¿ n]Vg'xf];\ .
In September 2000 A.D., the UN endorsed
the Millennium Development Goals. Make a list of these eight MDGs.
;g\ @)))
;]K6]Dj/dfePsf] ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3n] cf7j6f ;x;|fAbLljsf; nIo 3f]if0ff u/]sf]
lyof] . ltg} cf7j6f MDGSx¿sf]
;'rLtof/ ug'{xf];\ .
Name the folk musical instrument given below and describe them in short.
afhfx¿sf] gfd n]vL 5f]6s/Ldf j0f{g ug'{xf];\ .
Write a news article on the efforts in your district to effectively ban the
open sale of alcohol.
lhNnfdfv'Nnf ?kdfljqmLljt/0f eO/x]sf] dlb/f÷dBkfg /f]Sgsf] nflu u/Lg] k|of;
;d]6L Pp6f ;dfrf/ n]v n]Vg'xf];\ .
According to the present constitution of Nepal 2072 B.S., mention the
provisions of women representation in National Assembly of federal Nepal.
jt{dfg g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg, @)&@ cg';f/ ;+l3o
g]kfnsf] /fli6«o ;efdfdlxnfx¿sf] k|ltlglwTj ;DaGwLJoj:yf n]Vg'xf];\ .
Guess any six month’s average temperature of the place you live in and present
it in line graph.
tkfO{ a;]sf] 7fpFsf] s'g} 5 dlxgfsf] cf};t
tfkqmdcg'dfg u/L /]vflrqdf k|:t'tug'{xf];\ .
Which climate region is indicated by the given picture? Do the given
i) Write the major climatic features.
If]]qsf] d'VoxfjfkfgLljz]iftf n]Vg'xf];\ .
Write any two tribal people.
b'O{j6f cflbjf;L ;d'bfosf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ .
iii) Write any two economic activities of the people.
pQm If]qsf] s'g} b'O{j6f k|d'vcfly{s
lqmofsnfkx¿ n]Vg'xf];\ .
Present any four major political and historical events and dates from 2046B.S.
to 2063B.S. in a time line.
lj=;= @)$^ b]lv lj=;= @)^#
;Ddsfs'g} k|d'vrf/j6f /fhg}ltstyf P]ltxf;Ls 36gf tyfldltpNn]v u/L ;do /]vfdf
k|:t'tug'{xf];\ .
According to UNO, there are eight basic rights of consumers. Make a list of
/fi6«;+3 cg';f/ cf7j6f pkef]Stfclwsf/x¿ 5g\ . ltgLx¿sf] ;'lrtof/ ug'{xf];\ .
Manfred Steger, the professor of Global Studies, has defined the four
dimensions of globalization. Explain them in short.
Ps k|fWofksManfred
Steger n] j}lZjs/0fsf rf/ cfofdx¿Kfl/efifLt u/]sf 5g\ . pQmcfofdx¿sf]
5f]6s/Ldfaofgug'{xf];\ .
Group 'C'
Long AnswerQuestions: (4x7=28)
nfdf] pQ/ cfpg] k|Zgx¿ M
18. Define citizenship. Write
the constitutional provision on citizenship in Nepal in accordance with the
present constitution, 2072 B.S.
gfu/Lstfsf] kl/efiff n]Vg'xf];\ .
g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfglj=;= @)&@ n] g]kfnLgfu/Lstf ;DaGwL u/]sf] ;Dj}wfgLsJoj:yf
n]Vg'xf];\ .
19. Draw an outline map of
Nepal and insert the following facts in it with the appropriate symbols.
g]kfnsf] gSzfagfOtnlbOPsftYox¿nfO{
pko'QmlrGx ;lxteg'{xf];\ .
National Park(vKt8 /fli6«o lgs'~h), Bhotekoshi River(ef]6]sf]zLgbL), Lake Satyabati(;TojtLtfn)and Ghalegaun(3n]ufpF)
an outline map of South America and insert the given facts in it with
appropriate symbols.
blIf0f cd]/Lsfsf]
gSzfagfO{tnlbOPsftYox¿nfO{ pko'QmlrGx ;lxteg'{xf];\ .
River, Tropic of Capricorn, Pampas grassland, Gulf of Panama
20. Suppose you have completed
a project work regarding the historical events of Nepal entitled “The Political
Events after 2062/2063B.S.” Write a report in accordance with the following
dfgf}F, tkfO{n] g]kfnsf]
P]ltxf;Ls 36gfdf cfwf/Lt eP/ æ@)^@.)^# kl5sf] /fhg}lts 36gfqmdÆ eGg] zLif{sdf
Pp6f k|f]h]S6 tof/ ug'{ePsf] 5 . tn k|:t't u/LPsfk|Zgx¿cg';f/ Pp6f k|ltj]bgtof/
ug'{xf];\ .
How did you
collect information?
;'rgf ;+sng s;/L ug'{eof] <
What information did you get?
s:tf] ;'rgfk|fKtug'{eof] <
What is your conclusion?
lg:sif{ s] xf] <
21. Do you see any probability
that Nepal can earn foreign currency by exporting hydroelectricity? Write a
letter to the President of the Non Resident Nepali Association making an appeal
to invest in the hydroelectricity sector of Nepal.
g]kfnn] hnljB'tlgof{t u/L
ljb]zLd'b|fsdfpg ;Sg] ;DefjgftkfO{ b]Vg' x'G5 < g]kfnsf] hnljB'tpTkfbgdfnufgLug{
cg'/f]w ub}{ u}x| cfjf;Lo g]kfnL ;+3sf] k|d'vnfO{ Pp6f lr7L n]Vg'xf];\ .
Students are required to answer in
their own words as far as practicably.
Give any short answer to the following questions. [1×7=7]
1. Is federal system appropriate or
inappropriate in the context of Nepal? Give one reason to support your
2. Show the difference between skilled and
unskilled human resources in a sentence.
3. Why should we respect senior citizens? Give
two reasons.
4. Suggest any one role to be played by
community police in controlling the
domestic violence.
5. When was the comprehensive peace accord
signed between CPN (Maoist) and Nepal Government? Write
in full date.
6. Mention any two merits of life insurance.
7. Mention any two contributions of Nepal in
the peace keeping mission of UNO.
Give short answer to the following
questions: [10×4=40]
8. Calculate the Human Development Index of Nepal
on the basis of given statistics:-
* Life expectancy 71 years
* Expected years of schooling 12
* Mean year of schooling 5
* Per capita income 2337.
9. Give a short introduction of Mid-Hill
Lokmarga and mention any three positive changes or effects that will cause by
the completion of Mid Hill Highway.
10. Who are called senior citizen? Mention any
three provisions insured in the present constitution of Nepal for the
protection and the promotion of the rights of the senior citizens.
11. Mention each of the two effects caused by
untouchability and Chhaupadi Pratha in the Nepalese community. You further
suggest two measures to overcome each of the above mentioned evils.
12. What do you mean by political party? Describe
the role and the responsibilities of political parties in the democratic
countries in three points.
13. ‘Natural vegetation and human activities are
the product of climate’. Justify this statement in two different paragraphs.
14. Describe any four major factors that affect the
climate of the world.
15. Write a dialogue between two friends
mentioning any four effects of World War II.
16. Write a speech to create awareness among your
villagers about the consumer rights.
17. Write a letter to the ministry of Culture
Tourism and Civil Aviation giving four suggestions for making the Visit Nepal
Year 2020 very successful.
Give long answer to the following
questions: [7×4=28]
18. Describe
about the formation process of federal parliament according to present
constitution and describe any three major functions of federal parliament.
19. Draw
a map of Nepal and insert the following places on it.
Apple production area *
Pathivara Temple
Sukla Phant Wildlife Reserve *
Makalu Himal
an outline map of Africa using freehand method and insert the following places
with appropriate symbol.
Drakensberg range * River Niger
* Saranma *
Gongo forest (Equatorial Rain Forest) *Capetown *
Victoria lake
* Areas of winter rain
20. Mention
the role to be played by the government political parties, civil society and
the people for the protection of federal system and democracy that is achieved
with the sacrifice of Nepalese people.
21. Define
Insurance and explain briefly the types of insurance.