Showing posts with label science project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label science project. Show all posts

Saturday, November 2, 2024

 List of Probable Science exhibition Projects

1. Study of germs in the nearby water sources.

taking water sample from different water sources (drinking and non drinking)

keeping those in test tubes  for 3 days

Observing the water under microscope to detect any micro organisms and their identification.

2. Study of Germs in stale/ rotten food.

taking sample of stale food and rotten fruits and observe the microorganism

draw conclusion

suggest for the preservation of food

3. Effect of moisture in growth of plant.

Take five nursery bags.

fill all with the same soil

plant seed of any plant (small e.g pea) in each.

Properly irrigate till all the plant grow.

After they grow apply different amount of water in each plant.

Measure the length of plant in each week. 

Make conclusion.

4. Growth of plants towards light, moisture, against gravity.

5. Renewable Energy sources , hydro , solar.

Construction of working model of hydropower 

Demo of solar energy with its working principle

6. Bio mass energy

7. Demonstrations of system of human, e.g circulatory, respiratory, digestive etc.

8. Model of solar system, eclipse,

9. Demonstration of different layer of earth and Volcano.

10. Different layer of atmosphere and green house effect 

11. Soil erosion and demo of preventive measures.

12. Formation of soap

13. Different indicators from kitchen / interesting chemistry at kitchen

14. Formation of Alcohol. 

15. Formation of hydrogen and use it in balloon.

16. Hydraulic machines

17. Making a simple lactometer to measure purity of milk

18. Solar water heater.

19. Working model of microscope, telescope

20. Demo of Total internal reflection, optical fiber

21. Solar cooker

21. Model of electric motor and generator

22. Gas leakage sensor using MCQ 2

23. Fire alarm

24. Automatic movement of sun dried clothes when it rains

25. Automatic irrigation system

26. Automatic ripen fruit selection system

27. Counter system for people entrance/ item production at factories.

28. Cable car / Rope way

29. Smart dustbin

30. Magnetic levitated train.

31. Podway: A new means of transportation.

32. Rope way using gravity (without electricity)