Monday, October 16, 2023

School level Science Project list

 School level Science Project list

Students can choose on of the following title for their project.  

1. Study On The Difference Between Lamark's Theory And Darwins Theory On Organic Evolution.

2. Study on the role of Science Museum in science education.

3. Study on causes climate change.

4. Study on the possibilities of extraterrestrial life.

5.  Study on effect of global warming.

6. Study on Science in everyday life.

7. Study on importance of ICT for students.

8. Study on Science in Agriculture.

9. Study on effect on Natural Disasters on Ecosystem.

10. Study on Earthquake

11. Study on Renewable Energy

12. Study on Recharging Ground water.

13. Study on effect of soil composition of soil on plants.

14. Study on Organ transplantation.

15. Study on structures of atoms and molecules.

16. Study on Electromagnetism.

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