Monday, March 21, 2022

Opt Sci. 9 2

Rosy Buds Bal Batika Higher Secondary English School

Model Question 2

Class :- 9 Subject: OPT Science F. M. 75

Time :- 2:15 hrs


Group 'A' 15×1=15

  1. Write Short answer of the following questions.

a)     What is simple pendulum?

b)    Write any two applications of pascals law.

c)     Define the term Alternative sources of energy.

d)    Write the name of each colour serially which are obtained after refraction of light.

e)     Define Neutral point.

f)     What is an ideal gas?

g)    Write the name of positive and negative catalyst.

h)    Write the name of electrolyte used in copper plating.

i)      Define prokaryotic cell.

j)      Who is called the father of genetics?

k)    Give an example of mutualism.

l)      Give one adaptational feature of Fossorial animals.

m)   Define Ecotourism.

n)    What is metallurgy?

o)    The earth is called blue planet, Why?


Group 'B' 13×2=26

  1. The weight of an iron ball in air, water and salt solution is given in the table below. Study the table and answer the following questions.









i)               Indentify the medium A,B and C

ii)             Find the up thrust in salt solution.




  1. In context of Nepal. Hydroelectricity is the best alternative source of energy, Explain.
  2. The volume of solid sphere of iron at 200c is 2.5×10-3m3 Find the increase in volume of sphere when it is heated up to 1000c? (Linear expansivity of iron = 12×10-6k-1.)
  3. Write the ohm's law.
  4. Differentiate between Cations and anions.
  5. What is electrolysis of water? Show that the electrolysis of water in ionic form .
  6. Write the IUPAC Name of following compounds.

i)               CH3-C = CH ii) CH3-CH2-CH3

  1. Write the name of Iron and silver ore.
  2. Write two points to support the relations of biology with physics.
  3. Differentiate between Aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
  4. Give scientific reason, Why air sacs present in aerial animals?
  5. What is the main purpose of cow farming?
  6. All ores are minerals but all minerals are not ores, justify this statement.


Group 'C' 6×3=18

  1. A bus moving with speed 45 km/ hr is stopped by applying brakes within 5 sec. Calculate the retardation and distance travelled by the bus before stop.
  2. What is fibre optics? Write two uses of it.
  3. Describe Rutherford's alpha-particle scattering experiment with the help of diagram.
  4. State the Graham's law of diffusion. Also prove it's mathematical expression.
  5. Study the given figure and answer the following questions.

i)               Write the name of parts A,B and C

ii)             Name the diagram given alongside.

iii)           Write one function of A.





  1. Define variation. What are the major roles of DNA in our body?


Group 'D' 4×4=16

  1. Show that the neutral points formed when a magnet is kept vertically by facing magnetic north pole towards geographical north and magnetic south pole towards geographical south with diagram.
  2. What do you mean by hydrolysis reaction? What information can be obtained from balanced chemical equation, Write any three points.
  3. What do you understand by protozoology? Explain the cellular structure of a paramecium with the help of labelled diagram.
  4. Name the hypothesis about the origin of solar system and describe in brief about any two.

The End

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